Sahih:Al Bukhari:2592 (en en2)
 Give a slave to a family member is better than to free a slave Maimouna, his cousin (4) Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:1054 (en en2)
 The Prophet ordered people to manumit slaves during the solar eclipse Makutaba, freed (16) The sun, the moon and the stars (26)
Quran:An-Nisa 4:92 (en en2 tfs tfs2)
 Whoever kills a believer unintentionally must free a believing slave and pay blood-money Legislation (19) Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:3293 (en en2)
 To get the reward of manumitting ten slaves, and 100 good deeds written in his account Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Muslim:1657b (en en2)
 He who beats a slave without any serious fault should set him free. Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Ibn Majah:2476 (en en2)
 When freed, she was given the choice to remain to her husband slave Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Abu Dawud:3962 (en en2)
 If anyone emancipates a slave who has property, the property of the slave belongs to the owner Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Muslim:997d (en en2)
 A person declared his slave free after his death, Allah's Messenger sold him Business (10) Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Muslim:1668a (en en2)
 Mohamed casted lots amongst six emancipated slaves, returning 4 of them to slavery Makutaba, freed (16)
Sahih:Al Bukhari:2141 (en en2)
 Mohamed sold a slave destined to be freed and take the money for himself Business (10) Makutaba, freed (16)
Bible:NT:Luke 4:18 (en)
 He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and set the oppressed free Makutaba, freed (16)